Trakai Educational Assistance Authority

Name of the person involved in the event:
Rasa Dikevičienė

Date of the event:
06 May 2016 - 06 May 2016

Type of Dissemination event:
Transnational Meetings

Description of Dissemination Event:
2016 05 06 in Trakai Educational Assistance Authority visited guests delegation from Šiauliai University and it’s partner from European countries. To Trakai arrived Head of Department of Special Education of Šiauliai University Dr. Lina Miltenienė, Professor Stefanija Ališauskienė and partners of them in the project “Teaching Diverse Learners in (School) Subjects (TdiverS)”. In this project with Šiauliai University scientists working colleagues from the University of Reykjavik (Iceland), the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), the Madrid Autonomous University (Spain), Ludwigsburg pedagogical University (Germany), Boros University (Sweden). Authority’s director Rasa Dikevičienė and psychologist Erika Strolienė presented the Authority’s activities, projects in which institution is involved. Rasa presented project E-Learning from Nature: she short told about goals, objectives, what resources involved in it, together with the areas of natural interest of this project.

Target group:

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Trakai (Lithuania)

Outcomes, Results and Evaluation:
Scientists from Universities of various European countries were introduced to the project E-Learning from Nature.

Supporting Documents: