Homepage > Partnership > Schools
From this section it is possible to access to the information about the schools involved in the E-learning from Nature Project in the 7 European countries involved.
The school teachers and students contribute to the identification of the geographical areas of scientific interest and to the development of the e-learning lessons.
Name of the school |
Country |
Partner Institution |
Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu”, Bârlad | Romania | Euro Ed |
Liceul Tehnologic Economic 'Virgil Madgearu' Iasi | Romania | Euro Ed |
Liceul Teoretic Vasile Alecsandri | Romania | Euro Ed |
Scoala Gimnaziala Hadimbu | Romania | Euro Ed |
Şcoala Gimnazială Specială “Constantin Păunescu” | Romania | Euro Ed |
Secondary School ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | Romania | Euro Ed |
ˮAl. I. CUZAˮ TECHNICAL COLLEGE | Romania | Euro Ed |