IIS Enriques

Name of the person involved in the event:
Patrizia Paperetti

Date of the event:
22 September 2016 - 22 September 2016

Type of Dissemination event:
Conference or Fair

Description of Dissemination Event:
Welcome day for parents, students and teachers of vocational administrative and graphics sector and presentation of Educational offer.
During the Welcome Day the Headmaster has underlined the Erasmus+ projects IIS 'F. Enriques' is carrying out - 'Strategies Towards European Plurilingualism', 'Weisheit zu Tisch', and, especially, 'E-Learning from Nature'.
'E-Learning from Nature' in particular, represents a good source to rely on in order to improve the students' skills related to photography and design. They can widen their knowledge of nature to describe its aspects thanks to graphics and multimedia, and share their products throughout the school, within the borders of our area and also sharing them with foreign partner involved in other projects promoted by the school.

Target group:
General Public

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Castelfiorentino (Italy)

Outcomes and Results:
The description and the brochure about the project met much appreciation and interest among the people present at the conference. They have shared the aims and the innovative methodologies that are peculiar of the project, showing interest in the excursions as well as lab activities.
The perspectives are linked to the willingness shown by the people to let their offspring more active in participating to this project.

Supporting Documents: