The project rationale is deeply rooted in the long lasting effort of European policies in addressing the underachievement’s in basic skills as far as scientific issues are concerned.

The Italian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme financed the E-learning from Nature project in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme with the aim to:
- Improve students’ low achievements in scientific subjects
- Motivate secondary school students to learn science
- Consolidate student knowledge of science subject

Target Groups
The direct target groups of the E-learning from Nature project are:
- Science and English teachers in secondary schools (students aged 14 to 19)
- Secondary school students

Intellectual output
The intellectual outputs are:
ICT based collection of Research Action tools: Learning Science through Nature.
The Research Action tools: Learning Science through Nature provides access to:
- A collection of information sheets, direct sources (photos, videos, drawings etc. available in digital format) about the flora, the fauna, the natural elements and any other human intervention of scientific interest of a specific environmental area
- Related small lessons aimed at identifying the connection between the above mentioned natural elements with school scientific curricular activities and the related basic skills to be acquired
Teachers’ Guide
The guide for science teachers focuses on the subject of innovative methods to enhance students’ motivation towards the study of scientific subjects and improve their basic skills in science.
The guide is organized in 4 chapters:
- Teaching scientific subjects through problem based and real life case scenarios.
- Enhance students’ scientific basic skills through their active involvement in the learning process.
- Effective use of new technologies to promote the scientific knowledge
- Transnational cooperation to promote scientific knowledge in school education.