IIS Enriques

Name of the person involved in the event:
Andrea Conforti

Date of the event:
31 January 2016 - 31 January 2016

Type of Dissemination event:
Article on website

Description of Dissemination Event:
The project E-Learning from Nature is now present on the web-site of IIS F. Enriques, thanks to an article which describes the main features of the project. The article is located on a page dedicated to events and and contains, besides the description of the project, also the link to this web-site. In addition, the logo of E-Learning from Nature is linkable and present on the toolbars of each page of the web-site, including the HomePage.
The web-site of IIS Enriques is frequently visited by many users and can be easily reached through the following URL: www.isisenriques.gov.it

Target group:
General Public
Public Bodies

Held in:
Castelfiorentino (Italy)

Outcomes and Results:
Frequent checkings of visits will be taken, together with e-mailings with requests and communication of any kind that may follow this event. The aim is to spread information about this project and increase the number of individualities and organisations which would join up this two-year-lasting activity.

Supporting Documents: