Title of the focus group:
E-Learning from Nature: natura, scienza e non-traditional teaching

Date of the focus group:
31 October 2017

Place of the focus group:
Castelfiorentino - Italy

Description of the focus group:
The focus group took place at IIS 'F. Enriques' in Castelfiorentino (FI), the promoter school of the project 'E-Learning from Nature'. Its topics were adopt new methods and tools based on collaborative and innovative practices to strengthen science education performances at secondary school level; address low achievement in science basic skills through the promotion of problem-based and real life learning scenarios ; implement innovative approaches to science teaching and learning through an aware use of ICT; promote of a learner centred pedagogical approach to science teaching and learning by using innovative learning by teaching experiences.
The 32 participants to the focus group were teachers of primary, secondary and high schools

List of participants:

