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INTRODUCTORY TEXT TO THE LESSON The E-lesson presents the applicability of the Table of the Chemical Elements and the findings in the nature.
Chemistry professor, Farcas Irina, from Vasile Alecsandru HighSchool of Iasi, Romania, presents a chemistry lesson about the Chemical Elements by bringing to the students connections with nature.
The learning objective:
- To learn about the most widely spread element on Earth: Oxygen and connection with the organic substances, and how the Oxygen can be found in the nature.
- To learn about Aluminium and the use in the nature – cryolite, bauxite, aluminium dishes (pure aluminium can reach our bodies and affect it, causing seizures, weakening our memory ability and could even lead to Alzheimer’s disease).
- To learn about sillicium and connection with nature - cabbage, cauliflower and olives; important element in the maintaining of our nails’ and bones’ health and the lack of this element favours the occurance of ostheoporosis or even sclerosis.
- To learn about iron and connection with nature - liver, beans, cabbage - important element in preventing anemia.
- To learn about carbon and connection with nature - fire coles, graphite