This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
INTRODUCTORY TEXT TO THE LESSON Learning Objectives: to determine air pollution in Smiltyne according to the abundance of kinds of lichen and the covered area .
We visited Smiltyne. There students chose the trees covered with lichens, found different kinds of lichens and counted the amount of them spread on similar trees. We have foud out that there are three kinds of lichen in Smiltyne: Xanthoria parietina ( sieninė geltonkerpė), Hypogymnia physodes (putlusis plynkežis), Ramalina fraxinea (uosinė ramalina);They took pictures of each research object and at school made a research. They found out the influence of SO2 and NO2 oxide on lichen.Having explored lichen we measured its abundance to determine the level of the pollution and denied the hypothesis that pollution in Smiltyne is great.
Two types of zones dominate in our explored territory, the zone of inner fight and the zone of exterior fight;
Crusty lichen is mostly found in the explored areas.
Students made presentations of their reserch work.