Xanthoria parietina |
Xanthoria parietina belongs in the family Teloschistaceae.This lichen is penetrating everywhere, where ther is a lot of dust and nitrogen compounds, often pushing the other in the same place growing kinsman. Xanthoria parietina is a foliose, or leafy, lichen. It has wide distribution, Xanthoria parietina can grow on the tree barks, stones, concrete, slate, although in the pine and shady forests Xanthoria parietina is virtually undetectable. |
Hypogymnia physodes |
Hypogymnia is a genus of lichenized fungi within the Parmeliaceae family. This type of lichens is widespread around the world, they are found on stones, wood, trees and land. The macroscopic lichen wisps show their affection for light habitats. Hypogymnia physodes wisp is leafy, its edges are widening and it is quite freely attached to the substrate with rhizines. |
Ramalina fraxinea |
Ramalina fraxinea belongs to the Ramalinaceae lichens family. This type of lichens have a large wisp and most of them are found on the tree trunks. Ramalina fraxinea is spread around the world, perhaps more abundant in the northern hemisphere. |
Lichens |
When determining the air pollution in Smiltyne according to the abundance of kinds of lichen and the covered area, the research shows the pollution in Smiltyne is not great, because the influence of SO2 and NO2 oxide on lichen is average. There are three kinds of lichen in Smiltyne: Xanthoria parietina ( sieninė geltonkerpė), Hypogymnia physodes (putlusis plynkežis), Ramalina fraxinea (uosinė ramalina). Two types of zones dominate in our explored territory, the zone of inner fight and the zone of exterior fight. Also, Crusty lichen is mostly found in the explored areas. |
Sand pollution on the coast of the Baltic sea-Smiltynė |
Sea and sand pollution is very dangerous for both nature and human beings, because various pollutants being toxic can cause different deseases, kill sea flora, fish. In Smiltynė when doing the research macro pollutants dominated as they made up 76 per cent of all litter (plastic bags). Foil things made up only 5 per cent, rrubber items appear rarely; .from micro litter cigarettes and things made of paper dominate. |
Water contamination in Curonian Lagoon |
Analyzed ion concentration:
a)The lowest Cl- concentrations are observed inJuodkrante (0.5mg / L) and the New Ferry (0,1mg / L), while in other research places it is constant (~ 1,0mg / L);
b) Fe2+ / Fe3+ has not been set in the Curonian Lagoon;
c) The highest Cu1+ / Cu2+ concentrations are found in the New Ferry (1,0mg / L), and the Dolphinarium (1,0mg / L), and the lowest concentration is found in the Old Ferry; |
Sea Sandwort/ Honckenya peploides |
The plants are quite small, thick and juicy. They usually are around 10 cm high. Leaves are opposite, stalkless, tapered, glabrous, fleshy, dark–lime green color. Flowers are 1 cm in diameter, stalks are short. Petals are white, oval. This plant is perennial.A fruit is spherical with large seeds. Blooming time varies from June to July. It grows in sandy, stony and gravelly areas by seashores. It is spread from Nida to Smiltynė. Sea sandwort’s flowers are usually unisexual. The flowers are pollinated by insects and have an abundance of nectar. The Sea sandwort spreads efficiently through its rootstock. |
Gypsophila paniculata |
Stalks of these plants are vertical, rising, heavily branched, around 1 m high. Leaves are elongated, tapered, located in pairs against each other. Racemes grow on the tops of the branches. Flowers are white, fragrant and small. Fruit is a round box with small seeds. Blooming time starts in June and continues throughout the summer. It is a perennial plant and it reproduces by seeds. The branches break easily. The wind rolls them and they spread the seeds. This plant grows in sandy areas. In Lithuania self-contained only on seashore. It was planted there to secure the dunes. |
Curonian spit/Kuršių nerija/Smiltynė |
The stalks are usually status or rising, heavily branched. Leaves are thick and juicy, cleaved pinnate. They also have long, white roots. Light purple blossoms are growing on top of the plant. The blooming time begins in June and usually ends in autumn. It is only a yearling plant. Grows in the sea, sand or gravel, avant and dunes. It is spread all over the seashore and the sand coast in Kuršmarė. This plant has nectar, so it is visited by insects and also eaten by animals. It is planted to protect and secure the dunes. |
Baltic Goatsbeard /Tragopogon heterospermus |
A stalk is vertical, long, shaggy and cilindrical. It is usually branched from the bottom and is leafy. This plant blossoms from June to August, it is also perennial. It is found on the east coast of the Baltic shore, Kaliningrad, Lithuania and Latvia. Often found all across the while and grey sand dunes, a little bit rarer in the dunes, which are secured with pines. Very rare in continental dunes. It is often used to secure the dunes. |