Vointa Park
The Vointa Park it is located in the Copou neighbourhood of Iași, Romania, in the immediate vicinity of Râpa Galbenă, sourended by trees and vegetation. It is an amazing place to relax and also an excelent place for kids to play. The park it is a mixture between playground and natural preservation of fruit trees and plants.
One of the most beautiful trees in the park is the nut tree, and it is the main atraction for children because they can take care of the tree.
Other point of interest it is represented by cherry plum trees. Wild types of cherry plum trees are large shrubs or small trees reaching 6–15 m (20–50 feet) tall, with deciduous leaves 4–6 cm (1.6–2.4 inches) long. It is one of the first European trees to flower in spring, often starting in mid-February. The flowers are white and about 2 cm (0.8 inches) across, with five petals. The fruit is a drupe, 2–3 cm in diameter, and yellow or red. It is edible, and reaches maturity from early July to mid-September. Cultivated cherry plums can have fruits, foliage, and flowers in any of several colors. Some varieties have sweet fruits that can be eaten fresh, while others are sour and better for making jam.
The Vointa Park it is close to the EuroEd School and kindergarden, and both teachers and children are involved in mentaining activities like gathering the leaves in autumn, or planting flowers and cleaning the trees in the spring. In the summer time they are involved in collecting the fruits from the trees and preparing pies or just enjoying the fruits.
Another point of interest in the Vointa Park Area is the Plantago lanceolata- is used frequently in herbal teas and other herbal remedies. A tea from the leaves is used as a highly effective cough medicine. In the traditional Austrian medicine Plantago lanceolata leaves have been used internally (as syrup or tea) or externally (fresh leaves) for treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract, skin, insect bites, and infections. The children are very interested in alternative- natural medicine, and they are using P. Lanceolata in case of a scratch or insect bites.