The National Centre for STEM Education (Epi•Stem) was established in 2008 under the aegis of the Shannon Consortium with funding from the HEA for an initial three year period (Phase 1). During Phase 1 the Centre has become a nationally recognised hub for research, policy and leadership in STEM teaching and learning.
During Phase 1, the National Centre has established a research base, an impressive suite of programmes, projects and collaborations, and a solid foundation for the implementation of medium to long-term strategies to address national priorities in STEM teaching and learning. It is particularly significant that major stakeholders, both industrial and public sector, are increasingly recognising the importance of the National Centre and are seeking to work with us. In addition the Centre has recorded major successes in the following areas through it activities:
Building capacity in STEM education research
Informing national policy in STEM education
Raising general awareness of STEM in schools and the community
Supporting national initiatives.
The infrastructure, research and programme base, network of collaborations and associates, and alternative sources of funding, ensures the National Centre is well positioned to move into Phase 2 and progress from a ‘Centre for Excellence’ to a nationally recognised ‘Centre of Excellence’.