E-twinning is an online platform launched in 2005 in the context of the eLearning Programme of the European Commission. This European platform allows school staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.) from all over Europe to meet each other, to communicate, to exchange ideas and to realize collaborative projects. The portal is available in 28 languages and it’s totally free.
Once you are registered, with no need of paperwork or reports but with just some information about you and your school, you can easily access to all the features of this platform. You will be able to link up with other teachers and see which schools in Europe are registered and what are they interest in. You have the chance to enter a group and discuss in a private conversation of a specific theme or topic. Or you can attend a Learning Event, a short and intensive online event on a number of themes led by an expert, that include active work and discussion among teachers. But the most interesting feature of eTwinning is the possibility to be inspired by a project and to start a new one with your colleagues around Europe, giving your students a new way to exchange, to share, to cooperate and to extend their horizons.
If you would like to be inspired, the project gallery showcases some of the best-practice examples available. There are projects in different languages and of every kind of subjects, from art to math, history to science and even environmental education and they can be used to integrate a lesson or as an example to start a new project with another class somewhere in Europe.
Everything you do in eTwinning is recognized at national and European level so good projects can also win a European Prize.
E-twinning can be used to give students the chance to study and discover the environment in which they live and to compare it whit a similar one, or a completely different one, of another class in Europe. This is what the project “"R.I.V.E.R" Research Inside and Verify the Environmental Risk” worked on from 2012 to 2014. The project involved three countries, Italy, Greece and Romania and three different rivers. A school in each of these countries provided geographic and cultural information and analyzed the water of one river. After that, they shared their results on the TwinSpace and they were able to compare the information and to connect whit other students from different countries.
E-twinning is a good resource of science information, because it provides test results, photos and documentations of a common interest or a common project from another part of Europe and it can increase attention, participation and involvement of the students for this subject.