Chapter 4: Innovation in Science Education and Success Stories
4.1 New pedagogics in science education
Teachers need to break down stereotypes about science and introduce new pedagogics in science education if they want to enhance students’ motivation to learn science. A reversal of school science-teaching pedagogy from mainly deductive to inquiry-based methods provides the means to increase interest in science.
Teaching science should rely on new learning theories:
- Active learning/ Learn by Doing is a set of strategies that posits the responsibility for learning with the student: discovery learning, problem-based learning, experiential learning, and inquiry-based instruction.
- Teaching to multiple learning modalities: We can learn through three most valuable senses: vision, hearing, and touch. Theorists and practitioners claim that learners have a preference for one learning style over another. Teachers must take advantage of all learning modalities, and use all three modalities in teaching and learning.
- Teaching to multiple intelligences: The theory of multiple intelligences implies that people learn better through certain modalities than others, and that the science teacher should design curriculum to address as many modalities as possible.
- Metacognition: Teaching students to think about their thinking. Learning is maximized when students learn to think about their thinking and consciously employ strategies to maximize their reasoning and problem solving capabilities. Teachers should teach students to regulate and monitor their thought processes and understanding, and to adapt to new learning challenges.
- Developing higher order reasoning One of the major tasks of school is to develop higher order thinking skills through the teaching of science. When educators refer to “higher level reasoning,” they are generally referring to analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation.
- Constructivism: Constructivism views learning as a process in which students actively construct or build new ideas and concepts based upon prior knowledge and new information. The constructivist teacher is a facilitator who encourages students to discover principles and construct knowledge within a given framework or structure. Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in science is very important.
Effective teaching in science:
- has a strong component of practical experiences
- is responsive to students’ cultures and prior experiences
- keeps science relevant to students’ lives
- aligns science concepts with the nature of science
- develops students’ literacy and numeracy skills
- uses technology as a tool to promote student learning
- uses assessment to promote student learning
Online Resources
- Effective pedagogy for scienceThe site aims at defining what effective pedagogy for science is; teachers must make science accessible and attractive to students by breaking down stereotypes about science. Teachers also need to review all aspects of teaching and learning, from programme design and choice of contexts through to the safety and inclusivity of learning environments and the nature of teacher–student interactions.
- Theories and Perspectives in Science EducationThe site introduces several promonent theories and perspectives concerning the teaching and learning of science.
- European Commision, Science Education NOW- A Renewed Pedagogy for the Future of EuropeThe booklet supports the importance for Europe of having a well science-educated population. Given that innovative pedagogy has been developed and tested at a relatively large scale, and that it has proved to be successful, the EC requires specific and urgent actions be taken.
- Curriculum, Learning and Effective Pedagogy: A Literature Review in Science EducationThis review of research on effective science education is aimed at informing the broad area of "teaching and the dynamics of learning". The review covers the significant international and New Zealand research (including teacher research) on effective pedagogy and the links between student learning, curricula, pedagogy and assessment in science education across the compulsory sector.
- Sara Hennessy, Jocelyn Wishart, Pedagogical Approaches for Technology-Integrated Science TeachingThis paper examines how pedagogical approaches associated with these technological tools are adapted to both the cognitive and structuring resources available in the classroom setting.
- S. Selcen Guzey, Teaching Science with Technology: Case Studies of ScienceTeachers’Development of Technology, Pedagogy, and Content KnowledgeThis study examines the development of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge in in-service secondary science teachers. To better prepare students for the science and technology of the 21st century, the current science education reforms ask science teachers to integrate technology and inquiry-based teaching into their instruction.
- Robyn M. Gillie,s Pedagogy: New Developments in the Learning SciencesThis book brings together a diverse range of researchers to profile new pedagogical developments in teaching and learning.
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