European Schoolnet is a network of 30 European Ministries of Education. It’s a not-for-profit organization that aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to Ministries of Education, schools, teachers and researchers.
European Schoolnet uses its links with education ministries to help schools make effective use of educational technologies providing information and services relating to the innovative use of these technologies. It outreaches campaigns on specific educational topics such as math, science and technology and it starts up research activities.
As a teacher, entering the section “Teaching”, you can benefit from materials, guidelines, events and other tools and be able to enhance your teaching practice.
One of the tools that you can find in this section is the link to the Future Classroom Lab, a fully equipped teaching and learning space, developed in association with leading educational technology providers. Here you can find regular workshops, seminars and courses for teachers, experts and ICT suppliers that explain how the emerging technologies can have a transformative effect on teaching and learning.
If you are a primary or secondary schoolteacher you should be interested in the new platform created by European Schoolnet, the European Schoolnet Academy, where you can sign up for different courses and learn about innovation in the school and classroom and enhance your teaching practice.
Furthermore, the section “Projects” showcases all the current projects available in collaboration with European Schoolnet. Most of them regard innovation or e-safety but some others focus strictly on scientific subjects.
One of these projects is “Go-Lab”, which creates an infrastructure that provides access to online laboratories run by research centers and universities worldwide. These online laboratories can be used by universities, schools, instructors and students to extend regular learning activities with scientific experiments, giving students a real experience of research work.